February 15, 2017 – Legislative Highlights

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2017 Virginia General Assembly
Legislative Highlights
February 15, 2017

The disAbility law Center of Virginia has been monitoring developments in the legislature of interest or concern to people with disabilities.

There have been a number of measures considered that would impact the future of Virginia’s training center.

SB 1551 (Newman) states that the Department can not close Central Virginia Training Center without permission of the legislature.  That bill was passed by the Senate and will be heard in a House Appropriations subcommittee this afternoon.

House Budget Amendments (326#2h, 284#6s) would keep the training centers open for any resident who does not wish to leave.

Several bills concerning the future of the training centers have already been defeated:

HB 1583 (Campbell) sought to delay the closure of Southwest Virginia Training Center until June, 2019.  That bill was defeated in House Appropriations.

HB 1972 (O’Quinn and Kilgore) would have required the Department to keep both Southeastern Virginia Training Center and Southwestern Virginia Training Center open. That bill was defeated in House Appropriations.

A related bill, SB 1373 (Norment) that would have restricted the development if waiver homes and other group homes in the community died in the Senate.

We are available to educate policy makers about the potential impact of legislative proposals.  Please let us know of any legislative proposals or budget issues that you think we should be following.  Contact us at info@dlcv.org or by calling 1-800-552-3962 or 804-225-2042.

The mission of the disAbility Law Center of Virginia is to advance independence, choice and self-determination; protect legal, human and civil rights; and eliminate abuse, neglect and discrimination of people with disabilities through zealous and uncompromising legal advocacy and representation.