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March 11, 2014 Legislative Update

The mission of the disAbility Law Center of Virginia is, through zealous and effective advocacy and legal representation, to protect and advance legal, human, and civil rights of persons with disabilities; combat and prevent abuse, neglect, and discrimination; and promote independence, choice, and self-determination by persons with disabilities. The 2014 legislative session ended on Saturday,...


March 4, 2014 Legislative Update

This Saturday is “sine die,” the end of the 2014 legislative session.  As a result, the committees are finishing their work early this week, so that any final legislation can be considered by the remaining house and, if necessary, can have sufficient time to have any differences resolved in a conference committee. Many bills are...


February 27, 2014 Legislative Update

Substitute decision making is before the General Assembly this week.  The House approved a  Resolution to conduct a study of substitute decision making options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  The Resolution is before the Senate Committee on Rules on Friday, February 28, 2014.  House Joint Resolution 190 (Landes) directs the Secretary of Health...


February 25, 2014 Legislative Update

The disAbility Law Center of Virginia promotes and protects the rights of all Virginians with disabilities.  The dLCV may educate policymakers about the impact of proposed legislation.  Contact us at or at 1-800-552-3962 if there is a policy matter of concern to you that you feel we should be addressing. Mental Health Bills The...


February 24, 2014 Legislative Update

The House and Senate have both approved legislation that will bring Virginia’s housing laws into closer compliance with the Federal Fair Housing Act.  HB 527, introduced by Delegate Pogge, clarifies that a home with eight or fewer persons with disabilities living in it must be regarded as a single family residence, regardless of whether the...


February 17, 2014 Legislative Highlights

The mission of the disAbility Law Center of Virginia is, through zealous and effective advocacy and legal representation, to protect and advance legal, human, and civil rights of persons with disabilities; combat and prevent abuse, neglect, and discrimination; and promote independence, choice, and self-determination by persons with disabilities. Contact us at or at 1-800-552-3962...


February 14, 2014 Legislative Update

An attempt to make auxiliary grants more flexible was defeated in subcommittee in the House.  HB 894, offered by Delegate Peace, would have expanded eligibility for auxiliary grants.  Auxiliary grants provide supplemental income for recipients of Supplemental Security Income residing in a licensed assisted living facility.  Auxiliary grant programs are funded 80% by the state...


February 12, 2014 Legislative Update

The disAbility Law Center of Virginia promotes and protects the rights of all Virginians with disabilities. The dLCV may educate policymakers about the impact of proposed legislation. Contact us at or at 1-800-552-3962 if there is a policy matter of concern to you that you feel we should be addressing. A bill to provide...


February 10, 2014 Legislative highlights

The Virginia General Assembly is nearing the half way point for the 2014 session.  Tuesday, February 11th, is known as “crossover.” That is the day by which each house must complete the work on any bill, except the budget, that originated in that house.  If they have not completed work by the end of the...


February 7, 2014 Legislative Highlights

The Senate is considering a bill that will pose an administrative delay for people transitioning out of training centers.  SB 627 will require that, before a person is discharged from a training center, the Department of Behavioral Health must certify  that the community placement is “comparable” to the care in a training center.  Given that...