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How Accessible were the Polls Really in 2022?

How Accessible were the Polls Really in 2022?

dLCV is mandated by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (PL 107-252) to advocate for the rights of Virginia voters with disabilities. Through dLCV’s Protection and Advocacy for Voter Access (PAVA) program, we survey polling sites on Election Day to determine if sites are accessible and take corrective action if sites are not accessible.

Possible New Medicaid Rule for Family as Personal Care Aides

Possible New Medicaid Rule for Family as Personal Care Aides

Have you heard about the Department of Medical Assistance Services’ (DMAS) proposed rule regarding “legally responsible individuals” as personal care aides? Under the proposed Medicaid rule, parents of minors and spouses are able to serve as personal care aides for their family member and be paid for their services. Check out dLCV’s fact sheet to learn more about the rule and how you can share your opinion on the rule with DMAS via “public comment.”

Virginia Department of Corrections Denies Equal Services to Visually Impaired People who are Incarcerated

Virginia Department of Corrections Denies Equal Services to Visually Impaired People who are Incarcerated

Today the ACLU of Virginia, the disAbility Law Center of Virginia, and the law firm of Brown, Goldstein, and Levy filed a complaint in the Eastern District of Virginia against the Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC), individual VDOC officials, and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency on behalf of the National Federation of the Blind of Virginia and seven incarcerated men who are blind or visually impaired and are being denied equal access to services and programs available to sighted incarcerated people.