Category: Legislative Highlights

Our View of the Legislature: Voting

Our View of the Legislature: Voting

This afternoon, the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee will meet to consider proposals concerning voting rights.  The committee will meet shortly after the full Senate adjourns, which could mean as early as 1:00. You can observe the hearing, and sign up to offer comment, here. In both the House of Delegates and the Senate this...

Our View of the Legislature: Budget

Our View of the Legislature: Budget

On Monday, March 1, the 2021 Special Session of the General Assembly (GA) formally adjourned “sine die,” a Latin term meaning it has adjourned “without a day” to reconvene.

Our View of the Legislature: Traumatic Brain Injury

Our View of the Legislature: Traumatic Brain Injury

The bills that concern people with brain injury are now nearly complete.  Please know that, after a bill is approved by both houses of the legislature, it goes to the Governor for review.  The Governor can sign the bill, can veto the bill or can amend the bill.  If the bill is sent to the Governor with seven days or more left in the session, he must act on it within seven days.

Our View of the Legislature: Children’s Services Act

Our View of the Legislature: Children’s Services Act

As part of dLCV’s mission is to advocate for individuals with disabilities to receive services in the least restrictive environment, we’ve been closely monitoring legislation throughout the 2021 sessions that seek to modify Children’s Services Act (CSA) funding.

Our View of the Legislature: Voting

Our View of the Legislature: Voting

The General Assembly is now in its final week. The legislature is scheduled to end its session a week from today, March 1, 2021.  Committees must conclude their work early this week in order for any remaining bills to make their way through the rest of the process.  Significant bills expanding voting protections for people with disabilities are nearing final days of work.