Category: Legislative Highlights

Our View of the Legislature: Special Education

Our View of the Legislature: Special Education

As we near the end of this session, what has happened in the world of special education so far? It’s been an incredible year looking at the impacts of Covid-19 in our schools, the funding mechanisms of the Children’s Services Act, regulatory definitions of traumatic-brain injury, and so much more!

Our View of the Legislature: Budget

Our View of the Legislature: Budget

The 2021 session of the General Assembly continues as lawmakers vote on hundreds of bills and consider amendments to the Virginia state budget, which was presented to the public by Governor Ralph Northam in December.

Our View of the Legislature: Employment

Our View of the Legislature: Employment

With almost two weeks of the 2021 session still to go, the disability community can celebrate several significant accomplishments, especially in the area of employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Our View of the Legislature: Voting

Our View of the Legislature: Voting

Here are some of the bills that the General Assembly will work on, to improve the ability for Virginians with disabilities to have full access to the right to vote.

Our View of the Legislature: COVID Issues and Reporting

Our View of the Legislature: COVID Issues and Reporting

In July of 2017, lawmakers passed legislation to allow dLCV to receive serious incident reports from community providers licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) that provide services to individuals with disabilities across the Commonwealth.