Goals and Focus Areas

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dLCV’s Strategic Goals and Focus Areas
October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025

Within these Goals and Focus Areas, dLCV uses case selection criteria to decide the level of service that will be provided.  In selecting cases for direct representation, preference will be given, where appropriate, to those individuals who exercised self-advocacy through technical assistance or short term assistance provided by dLCV.   These criteria include consideration of:

  • Severity of harm.
  • Imminence of risk.
  • Potential of case to facilitate systems change or benefit other individuals.
  • Availability of other resources to help the individual address the alleged violation.
  • Self-advocacy ability of client or family.
  • Availability of other appropriate, independent investigatory authorities.
  • Availability of dLCV resources.
  • Legal merit or available remedy.

If a case is being evaluated for litigation, additional factors may be considered. dLCV will seek prevailing party attorneys’ fees where appropriate.  dLCV will not be able to provide you with legal services if you already have an attorney or other advocacy assistance or have the right to appointed counsel in a specific matter.

The following Goals and Focus Areas are the disAbility Law Center of Virginia’s strategic plan of action.  They are the guidelines by which the dLCV determines the level of advocacy services provided.  Cases may be opened outside of the stated Goals and Focus Areas only with the approval of the Executive Director.

People with Disabilities are Free from Harm

People with disabilities are free from harm in mental health facilities: We monitor conditions in mental health facilities and investigate selected instances of death, serious injury, or abuse or neglect, and seek reforms.

People with disabilities are free from harm in licensed and regulated community settings: We investigate selected allegations of abuse or neglect in licensed and regulated community settings and seek reforms.

Children and youth with disabilities are free from harm in schools: We advocate for children in educational settings to be free from seclusion and restraint through education and training.

Children and youth with disabilities receive appropriate services in juvenile justice facilities: We monitor facilities and advocate for children in juvenile justice facilities to receive appropriate services.

The Commonwealth will maintain sustained compliance with the U.S. v VA settlement agreement: We review the progress and status of the U.S. v VA settlement agreement and take appropriate action to maintain compliance.

People with Disabilities Will Be Free from Harm and Receive Appropriate Services from First Responders and Other State Agencies: We will investigate, create resources, and educate policy makers on barriers to services.


Children and Youth with Disabilities Receive an Appropriate Education

This Goal is on hold for this fiscal year due to limited resources. Please visit our Special Education page for information and referral.

People with Disabilities Have Appropriate Access to Government Services

Government Programs Provide Reasonable Accommodations and Effective Communications: We seek equal access to government buildings and programs under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Virginians with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act.

Social Security recipients who have representative payees are free from exploitation: We conduct reviews of Representative Payees on behalf of Social Security, investigate allegations of abuse, neglect or financial exploitation, and seek corrective action.

People with disabilities have equal access to vote: We advocate for individuals with disabilities to have a barrier free voting process. We also provide training and education on voting rights to the community.

People with disabilities are assisted in Medicaid appeals: We provide training, information and referral and advocacy to address Medicaid appeals.

People with Disabilities Live in the Most Appropriate Integrated Environment

The Commonwealth will appropriately transition all people when they are ready for discharge from state hospitals: We assist individuals in state-operated facilities to receive appropriate discharge planning and timely discharge to integrated community placements.

People with disabilities have maximum individual choice: We advocate for individuals with disabilities to have choice and control over themselves and their environment through supported decision- making and alternatives to guardianship.

People with Disabilities Receive Appropriate Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Employment Supports

This Goal is on hold for this fiscal year due to limited resources. Please visit our Accessibility and Accommodation page for information and referral.

People with Disabilities have Reasonable Accommodations and Effective Communications in Healthcare

We provide education, training and advocacy for individuals facing barriers to accommodations while receiving healthcare services.

People with Disabilities Become Better Self-Advocates through Education and Training

All people with disabilities who contact dLCV receive Information and Referral services: We provide information and referral services relating to disability rights to everyone.

The general public is aware of dLCV’s services and successes: We provide training and outreach to the public to bring awareness of the agency and increase resources to operate.

Spanish speaking communities and children and youth in foster or kinship care are aware of dLCV’s services: We serve these underserved communities through targeted outreach, training and advocacy.

dLCV provides education, training, and outreach to assist victims of domestic violence and sexual assault: We collaborate with other agencies serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault to increase our ability to assist in this area.

The legal community and general public are aware of dLCV’s advocacy through Amicus Briefs: We provide Amicus Briefs on targeted legal issues to advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities.

Provide Information, Resources, or Educational Materials to Self-Advocates, Family Members, or Care Givers to Better Assist Students Who are Eligible for an IEP or a 504 Plan to File a Formal Complaint: We provide information and resources to individuals on educational barriers

If you feel like your legal rights have been violated, contact us!

1512 Willow Lawn Drive, Suite 100
Richmond, VA 23230
Call: 800-552-3962, 804-225-2042
Fax: 804-662-7057
Email: info@dLCV.org