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Our View of the Legislature: Mental Health

Our View of the Legislature: Mental Health

The legislature has many bills before it that would make it easier for the state to force someone into mental health treatment through a process called mandatory outpatient treatment (MOT).  The dLCV is especially concerned that consumer voices were not included in the work group that developed some of these proposals. 

Our View of the Legislature: Mental Health

Our View of the Legislature: Mental Health

The legislature has many bills before it that would make it easier for the state to force someone into mental health treatment (mandatory outpatient treatment). We are currently reviewing these bills and conferring with other advocacy groups. We will continue to post regular updates on developments in the legislature to our website.

Our View of the Legislature

Our View of the Legislature

The 2020 legislative session in Virginia begins today, January 8th at noon. Even though this is a long session – 60 days – we expect that things will move very quickly! We will post regular updates on developments in the legislature to our website.