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February 11, 2019 – Legislative Highlights

2019 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights February 11, 2019 As the last day of the 2019 session draws closer, committees continue to try to complete all their work.  We expect most committees will conclude their work this week.  We are monitoring bills and are available to educate policy makers about the impact of the various...

January 30, 2019 – Legislative Highlights

January 30, 2019 – Legislative Highlights

Committees are now finishing up the first half of their workloads as crossover approaches on Tuesday, February 5th.  By that date, any bill that has not been passed out of their original house is officially defeated. 


January 17, 2019 – Legislative Highlights

2019 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Highlights January 17, 2019 The disAbility Law Center of Virginia is monitoring developments in the legislature that may be of interest to people with disabilities.  Here are some mental health bills we are watching: HB 1933 (Hope) concerns the process for forced mental health treatment of a jail inmate over...